03 February 2010

Naps update

Good progress made. Amazing the way that feeling an obligation to write a blog that no-one reads is a motivation for painting. Whatever gets the job done I suppose.

I need to give some credit for my painting methodology to MONKEY HANGAR's workbench article on the TMP page http://theminiaturespage.com/workbench/729939. I have used it as the basis for my painting technique. Colours have differed based on availability but sequence has been pretty much the same. Once I get to the basing stage I will transition to the Baccus basing set instructions.

The update photos....

All of the black bits painted - hats, packs and boots

The bases painted brown

And inked ...

My temporary painting station

I'm spending a fair bit of time away from home this year for work and away from my painting station so it's all a bit improvised.

My home painting station looks like this....

I miss it. It has taken a bunch of years to get it set up how I like it.

The best thing I have done is move the daylight lamp with me. It really makes a difference.

I'll be away for a couple of days so won't be any progress for a while.
Finishing bits now and then on to the basing.
The end is in sight for the foot. Then the cav and the artillery, or maybe one of the other projects I have on the significantly large backburner. I'll go through all of them in one of my next posts.
Out for now...

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean no one reads it? I do!!

    You need to get your blogroll started so people can start seeing your stuff!!
